Data Source Types
MoreOuiji currently supports four input data source types: CSV, Database Catalog, XML File and Excel Files.
Data Source Type: CSV File
The Ouiji CSV Files (Character Separated Value) data source type allows for the import, parsing and mapping of character delimited files and
are parsed based on the supplied delimiters. Most CSV files will contain only one delimiter, however Ouji can parse on secondary or 'sub' delimiter if supplied.
To create a Data Source Definition from CSV:
1. Give the Data Source Definition a Name
2. Select a sample Source File
3. Provide a delimiter
4. Provide a secondary delimiter (optional)
5. Provide a clip data string (optional)
6. Provide string replacements (optional)
7. Select whether or not to ignore the first line
8. Click the Add button at the top of the pane
Once you click the 'Add' button, Ouiji will create a list of target 'Data Column Definitions'. These definitions will allow you to map specific columns to tags within defined 'Export Templates'. Target Column Definitions can be modified by clicking on them in the tree view nodes under the Data Source definition.
Primary Delimiter: A primary delimiter is required to parse a CSV file. Target Data Column definitions (Column Data Name and Label) will be extracted from the header line of the file. If there is no header line in the source file, the Target Data Column name and label can be renamed manually. Common delimiters include: the comma ( , ), semi-colon ( ; ) and pipe ( | ).
For example, if the primary delimiter of the source file is a pipe ( | ) and the header of the source file looks like:
>> Id | Name | Age | Title
Ouiji will create Target Data Columns of Id, Name, Age and Title, which can be mapped to output templates.
Secondary Delimiter: The secondary or 'sub' delimiter is used to parse lists or sub-data inside the Primary delimited data.
For example, if the primary delimiter of the source file is a pipe ( | ), the secondary is a comma ( , ) and the header of the source looks like:
>> Id | Name , First , Last | Age | Title
Ouiji will create Target Data Columns of Id, Name.First, Name.Last, Age and Title.
Clip Data: The Clip Data field allows you to replace a part of the source data with and empty string. There are two clip data tags available {Header} and {LABEL}. These are related to the 'Target Data Column' and the 'Mapping Alias' of the Target Data Columns respectively.
For example, if the primary delimiter of the source file is a pipe ( | ), the secondary is a comma ( , ) and the source looks like:
>> Id | Name , First , Last | Age | Title
>> 0900 | First=Charles , Last=Emmerson | 42 | Manager
and your clip data is {LABEL}= the post-parse data will be
>> 0900 | Charles , Emmerson | 42 | Manager
String Replacements: String replacements will replace all matching strings in the source data with a paired replacement string.
Data Source Type: Database Catalog
The Ouiji Database Catalog data source type
allows for the import and mapping of data with a query against a database catalog as defined in the 'Define Data Catalog' Screen.
To create a Data Source Definition from a Database Catalog:
1. Give the Data Source Definition a Name
2. Select a database catalog (define on the 'Add Database Catalogs' screen)
3. Supply a query (** Note that queries must contain aliases to populate 'Query Fields')
4. Adjust Query Fields (if required)
5. Provide string replacements (optional)
6. Click the Add button at the top of the pane
Once you click the 'Add' button, Ouiji will create a list of target
'Data Column Definitions' based on the entries in the 'Query Fields' field. These definitions will allow you to map
specific columns to tags within defined 'Export Templates'. Target
Column Definitions can be modified by clicking on them in the tree view
nodes under the Data Source definition.
String Replacements: String replacements will replace all matching strings in the source data with a paired replacement string.
Data Source Type: XML File
The Ouiji XML File data source type
allows for the import and mapping of data in an XML file.
To create a Data Source Definition from a Database Catalog:
1. Give the Data Source Definition a Name
2. Select a sample Source File
3. Provide an XML Namespace
4. Define and XPath and XPath Alias (optional)
5. Define Attribute Identifiers (optional)
6. Provide string replacements (optional)
7. Click the Add button at the top of the pane
Once you click the 'Add' button, Ouiji will create a list of target
'Data Column Definitions' based on the entries in the XML nodes and / or Attribute Identifiers. These definitions will allow you to map
specific xml nodes to tags within defined 'Export Templates'. Target
Column Definitions can be modified by clicking on them in the tree view
nodes under the Data Source definition.
String Replacements: String replacements will replace all matching strings in the source data with a paired replacement string.
Data Source Type: Excel File
The Ouiji Excel File data source type
allows for the import and mapping of data contained within Excel workbooks.